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Sunday, September 25, 2011 @ 12:46 PM
On his 23rd Birthday. Just like his 22nd Birthday, I was there to celebrate.
Only difference is, we were dating then. We're together now (:

It's been more than a year i've tolerated this boy's nonsense. He was tough, purposely making himself difficult to please. Purposely trying to make me angry, sad, disappointed, cry. ALWAYS gets on my nerves. Always pumping my blood pressure. Always attempting to break his promises.

Sounds like a man that no girl ever wanna be with, really.

But despite his flaws, I know there's a man in there, just waiting for the right time to show himself. I've seen that man sometimes appearing for about 15 minutes, and he disappears again. And i'm confident that that's the man I wanna be with till God knows when. And I know there's a reason why he chose to be obnoxious towards me. I know there is.

I always thought that the saying, "I can't imagine life without you." is utterly bullshit.
But now I know how it really feels. Really, I do.

Thursday, August 11, 2011 @ 11:29 PM
(Kening aku senget, aku tau)
Hello fellow readers!

I think it's time for a proper update huh? Well let me see. My previous jobs were all failures. My first two was a mistake thinking I could do a commision based job. And when it came to my third, I thought it was a "finally I feel confident in lasting long in this job" kinda thing but BIGGEST regret ever. Company's screwed and don't get me started with the boss. Tsk!

So back to square one; Unemployed.

I do have job openings here and there but i'm keeping my options open currently. I wanna really choose and not start on anything which i'm not sure of anymore. Apparently, my mind's telling me to pursue my diploma. My mum would definitely second to that, that's for sure. She'll pay any amount as long as I continue studying. But not at the same institution. Reason? Personal.

Tapi sua sedap dapat gaji every month, dah naik lemak ni.
Plus, wa rasa otak wa sudah mati.
But as they say, one is never too old for education.

Other than that, everything else is fine. My family? Hmmm. Tanak cakap apa2 lah kan. Anyways, how's Ramadhan for everyone? I'm sure all of you kempunan banyak makanan (ni semua standaaaarrrdddd) and have been breaking fast with good food right? And gosh, i'm still craving for A & W and have not gotten my burger Ramly!!! *$^#&$(@#^&$#)@!#

Raya is in around 2 weeks time. This year should be interesting.
And only I know why ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @ 10:53 AM
I'm too used to detachment, too used to you not being there for me most of the time that now, I feel minimal heartbreak when you leave. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

Life's too short to dwell on anything for too long.
Pfft, get over it already.

Thursday, August 4, 2011 @ 12:33 PM

*Freakishly kisses computer screen*
Currently obsessed with Adam Levine.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 @ 9:20 AM
One day when the sky is falling, i'll be standing right next to you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 @ 2:01 PM
Today, I sit home, thinking that everyday's a new day. So why have I always been looking back into the past? I'm not ready to let go of so many things, so many people. How am I supposed to handle what's in front of me now? Looking back at everything got me pondering how I managed to be where I am now. Working for a Real Estate Investments company at OCBC center. I mean, i'm financially okay but social wise, oh wells.

Thursday, April 7, 2011 @ 1:19 AM
* formspring.me
Bring it. http://formspring.me/nanacine

Embrace The Deception